Congratulations ANSC Graduates

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Animal Sciences Alumni have sent in messages of congratulations and support to recent ANSC Graduates:

Read more encouraging notes on the Winter 2021 Message Board:

Good luck to all of you, may you continue to pursue your dreams and teach the world about animals, agriculture, and food production, and I hope you all become successful scientists in the future.

Congrats you guys! What you’ve accomplished was not easy so take time to celebrate! Best of luck in your future endeavors, and never give up on pursuing your dreams! 

I know this day is far from how you imagined it, but it does not take away the fact that YOU DID IT. If you are anything like me, you’re feeling so many emotions. You deserve to be proud of yourself and in case no one has told you, I am so proud of you! You are all one of a kind and have such big things coming your way. Don’t worry if you don’t have it all figured out quite yet, you’ve got time. It’s a great time to learn, grow, make mistakes and find your happiness. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from that. Everyone’s path is different and you now have the freedom to do what you want with your life! I hope you look back at UMD with nothing but good memories because I promise you will miss it. Keep in touch with your people who stuck by you through it all. Go back for homecoming, I promise you’ll want to relive those times and indulge in the CP scene again. Your life will go far beyond College Park but you must not forget the journey. Thank your supporters and teachers. But most importantly, pat yourself on the back because you made it. Good luck to you all, you will rock it! 

You did it!!
Never underestimate the value of hardship. The extra difficulty you met on your way to graduation this year will make you stronger, if you let it.

Congratulations on all your hard work! You finished 4 years of an impressive and well known ANSC curriculum and your future employers/schools will be impressed to see your success at UMD. Remember to always act and pursue your fearless ideas as you enter your career and never be afraid to step out of the box and ask questions others aren’t asking. Remember all the awesome faculty that helped get you to this point, and know that you’re now part of an awesome alumni network! Go Terps!

Although it is not under ideal terms, you guys did it! Everyone is so proud of your incredible accomplishments and we cannot wait to see what amazing things are in your futures. Keep your head up and be SO proud of yourselves! Congratulations!!! 

You've achieved something amazing with your degree! As you go forward onto your next chapter, remember to be kind to yourself and others, take time to enjoy the simple things and wear Maryland colors proudly. All the ups and downs you have experienced throughout your time at UMD will prepare you for the challenges that come ahead, and I can't wait to hear about the amazing things you will achieve. Go Terps! 

Congratulations ANSC Graduates on finishing your undergraduate studies! Stay safe, and best of luck to each and every one of you moving forward in your careers. Go Terps!!

Congratulations! Woohoo! A new cohort of animal experts is coming into the world! I know this is not how you imagined your graduation celebration, but that in no way can diminish your accomplishments at UMD. You've worked so hard to get here and there's so much to look forward to now that you have your degree. This is your commencement: just the start of the many great things you'll do. Welcome to the ANSC alumni family!

- Claire Witting 

Congratulations! You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals during this special COVID-19 period, and now you’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embark on who you are, embrace life with passion and keep reaching for your star. This is just the beginning, you are a star in the making. Shine on, Go Terps!


I know things are a bit strange and this probably isn’t the way you thought things would end, but I hope you are extremely proud of yourself and everything you have accomplished! No matter what’s going on in the world, nothing can take your accomplishments and your bright futures away from you!! Go do big things and I promise the real world has many upsides and adventures to come. :)

- Love, Katie J, Class of 2017

Even though you are not able to walk across the stage, take pride in your tremendous achievement! All your hard work has paid off and you have earned this. Congratulations! Go Terps!

- Julianna Wood, Class of 2018

This year has definitely been different and difficult but you have overcome all the adversities that have been thrown in front of you. Continue with the same attitude as you face new challenges!

- Dr. Stephanie Paultre, Class of 2008

Congratulations graduates and best of luck with your future endeavors! Don't be afraid to reach out to alumni and use the UMD networking for future jobs and opportunities. Once a Terp, always a Terp!

ANSC graduates hats